Financial Planning & Analysis

Insightful projections & analytics — Budget-to-actual variance analysis — Periodic & to-date views — Trend & ad-hoc analysis — Course setting & correction

Financial planning & analysis (FP&A) sits at the intersection of people, process, data, and technology. Effective FP&A converts data into actionable insights. With this relevant & meaningful information at your fingertips, you can take advantage of investment opportunities, identify areas to focus your attention, and make swift & smart business decisions.

Key elements:

Together we can identify key trends and “pull back the onion” to ascertain & monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) for your business & industry. With my vast FP&A experience, I can help you glean meaningful insights from your business operations by leveraging data from your company’s dynamic operating model bolstered with the appropriate tools, inputs, and approach.

With one eye toward the future and building off past results, FP&A helps chart & correct your company’s course - to proverbially “skate to where the puck is going, not where it has been,” as Wayne Gretzky famously said.

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